Guest Tutorial: Balance Board by Elsie Marley


Meg is at it again. She always comes up with the most ingenious ideas, it's really quite astounding. Today we're featuring the balance board tutorial she's put together for Celebrate the Boy, and seriously, how much fun is this? I can see this keeping my boy occupied for a very, very long time:

Meg is no stranger to this blog; you may remember her nifty belt tutorial from last year, and the fact that she went away to Hawaii earlier this year and left those of us in the North Country with free reign of her blog. Meg's also the host of Kid's Clothes Week which is always great fun. Stick around Elsie Marley long enough and you might catch another one!

Meg says:

I have two boys: a four year old and an 18 month old. They are constantly on the move. People say boys are different, but you don't realize how different that energy is until you walk into a room and one is scaling the bookshelf and the other is flying into a belly flop on the couch. So I made this toy to try and focus a little bit of that energy. 
While you're over at Elsie Marley, you'll want to check out some other fun stuff for boys:
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