Almost here...Toddler Backpack Pattern!


:: Now there are two! ::

So just popping in today to say that I've been working all week (remember, that's in Toddler Time, meaning during naps and after bedtime) on the PDF backpack pattern, and it's almost ready for sale. My guess is in the next day or so, so check back. I'll also be selling the little yellow backpack pictured above if anyone's interested; not sure we need multiple toddler backpacks around here..

So glad you liked them; thanks for all the kind comments! And someone must have linked to me today because gadzooks my inbox is full...

Oh and thanks to the Riesen family, I think my Russian translator has finally arrived:
(for those just joining us I was wondering what the Russian on the fabric said)

"It says: "The gingerbread man is twirling or turning"