

I hope you all had a lovely weekend! For those of you who celebrated Mother's Day yesterday, I hope it was lovely. I received this adorable little hand-painted birdhouse from Elliot along with a homemade card that slays me every time I look at it. To you maybe it is just a couple of stick figures. But it's GOLD to me, y'know, PURE GOLD. You might also notice that he (or more likely, Mr Rae) had to tape it back together prior to delivery due to the fact that his stinker of a sister took a scissors to it while no one was looking. There were tears. It's all better now though.


Speaking of tears. I can't talk about Mother's Day without mentioning two very dear friends of mine for whom motherhood has been especially difficult this year. One of them is a friend whose baby, little Max, passed away in utero just days before he was due to make his arrival last July. And another friend with two young children who doesn't know if her breast cancer (that has now spread all over her body, brain, lungs...) will allow her to see her next mother's day. It seems unlikely. My heart breaks every day for these two amazing, brave women and I try not to underestimate the power of my prayers.I am so blessed with my two babes. I don't think it's wrong to feel so joyful while celebrating Mom's day with my family and at the same time feel a sadness for my friends. Life is hard, man. I feel like I've learned that more this year than ever before. I am more and more aware, as I post here, of the fact that life is tough for many of you as well, maybe because of loss, or sickness or worry or whatever. I hope that this doesn't sound cheesy, but I just want you to know that if yesterday was a Booger for you, that I was thinking about you as well. As much as a virtual-online-person can, which I personally think is alot.OK! And now...back to my regularly scheduled (and usually happy if not a wee bit sarcastic and snarky) programming...