SPRING TOP WEEK Day 2: Your creations!


Here's the second batch of fabulous Spring Tops! I'm noticing lots of tops from Simplicity patterns, fresh spring floral fabrics, and small vintagey prints today...

Click on the image to see larger images, click on the links to see the blogs of the creators and details for each top, and be sure to leave them comments. Enjoy!

LEFT: Emy from Emy Sews created Simplicity 2892 with floral cotton gauze
CENTER: Shannon made Simplicity 2931 with a spring poplin
RIGHT: Caroline from Trillium Design made New Look 6407 with fabric from the Arcadia line.

LEFT: Lulu from Gus + Lulu made McCalls 5388 sleeveless version for maternity wear; check out the cute tie in the back on her blog!
CENTER: Mary Allison accidentally created an original top whilst making a dress from New Look 6700
RIGHT: Emily's from thedabbler made BuiltByWendy's Simplicity 3835 with a thrifted sheet

LEFT: Julia made Simplicity 2891 from a very wearable "muslin"
CENTER: Adrienne from Hermione J Schwarz made a Smashing Smock from Seams to Me by Anna Maria Horner
RIGHT: Jenny from thecreekhouse shows us another of her own original designs

LEFT: Trish at Big Purple Dragon made Simplicity 4589
CENTER: Silvana from Miss Behave started with a sundress and ended up with a top (from Weekend Sewing by Heather Ross)
RIGHT: Lorna from Doone Designs shows us her top made from Simplicity 2892

LEFT: Laura from Zip it up and start again made this top from the Afternoon Tea pattern she found on BurdaStyle
CENTER: Millie in Ireland made Vogue 8558
RIGHT: Sue from Berkshire Cottage made Simplicity It's So Easy 2962

Hurray for Tuesday's Tops! You can go to the Spring Top Week Sewalong pool to comment on any of these lovely creations or to submit a top of your own. It's not too late -- submissions will be accepted until Thursday evening with a vote for Best Spring Top at the end of the week.

Didn't see yours today? Check back tomorrow; I'm spreading out the tops out over the week. Also: make sure that if you want it posted on the blog you have sent me an email with your name, top info and blog link. I still have not received emails for some of the tops in the pool -- please do that so I know you'd like to be featured on the blog.