Crochet scarf with stripes

Crochet scarf for E

Crochet scarf for E

In keeping with my recent unofficial theme of posting many things that are made with yarn, here’s a new scarf I made for Elliot:

He picked out the yarn himself on a spur-of-the-moment trip to Michael’s, which means that not only is the yarn pretty low quality (I don’t mean that they don’t carry any nice yarn there — though that is debatable — just that E’s nose for a good yarn is less discerning than mine), but it also smelled strangely for months. I don’t know why JoAnn’s and Michael’s always smell like Old Lady, but they do. And don’t even get me started on the cinnamon pinecones at JoAnn. I have about a 3-month blackout period for JoAnn when I can’t shop there because they put out those stupid pinecones for the Christmas season, and they are so strong they make me sneeze uncontrollably, not to mention they stink up all the fabric in the store.

Crochet scarf for E

Crochet scarf for E

Crochet scarf for E

Crochet scarf for E

Wow I’m a total grumpus today, eh? I’m not sure why, because I really feel quite cheerful; the sun is out and it’s been quite a pleasant day, despite the fact that both my children are home today AGAIN with fevers and general droopiness. SICK AGAIN, OY!!!

Crochet scarf for E

Crochet scarf for E

Crochet scarf for E

Crochet scarf for E

Not much else to say about this scarf; I crocheted it in two-row stripes until I ran out of yarn. Not my best work, but he loves it, and it looks pretty nice with his favorite shirt! The striped Flashback-Tee-turned henley was made last year during Celebrate the BOY — no tutorial for that one yet but I’ve been working on a henley tutorial this week, so probably soon.

Please do not pin/use pictures of Elliot from this post. Thanks!