Summer Top Week, Day I


I'm finding it tough (as it seems, are many others) to sit down at the computer when it's so warm outside. We've been at the sprinkler park, taking bike rides, all over the place, you know how it goes. But I've been working hard on the sewing end of things; mainly summer tops for me, which I'm very excited to post, so I'm declaring it Summer Top Week on Made by Rae!

First up:

: : Polkadot blouse, fabric by Denyse Schmidt: :

: : Pattern - McCall's 5388 : :

: : Modifications - I had to narrow the neck so it wouldn't pouf away from my chest, exposing me for all to see. Also shortened it considerably as it resembled a maternity top in it's first incarnation : :

I will be proudly posting this to the Sew Mama Sew pool for Women's clothing month if it's not too late...

: : Update : :
I guess I should really say a few things about this pattern. First of all, it is really easy and fast to sew up, so I encourage those of you who are new to this whole sewing thing to try it. However, I will say that there is one place in the pattern when you sew the shoulder seam together where you are sewing the front, the front facing, and the back all together at the same time that gets a little tricky. In my opinion, any time you're sewing three pieces of fabric together at the same time you're asking for trouble. At any rate, I sew the front to the back first and then hand sew the facing to the seam, and that seems to work fine. And requires less yelling and throwing things, which is always good.

I've noticed that McCall's patterns are better written (and also are usually more expensive) than Simplicity or Butterick patterns. Maybe this is obvious to everyone else but I had to figure it out on my own. As a result they usually look a ton better on me than their cheaper counterparts, but sometimes involve a tricky step or two which makes them harder (Vogue patterns are even harder). Does anyone know anything about this?