GUEST POST: belt tutorial by meg

From Rae: Meg from Elsie Marley is here today guest blogging for us with a brilliant tutorial for an adjustable boy's belt! Yaaaaaaaay! I first discovered Meg's blog a year and half ago when she did a week of kid's clothes; someone (I don't even remember who) linked to her site and I fell in love with her style. I love how she uses light in her photos and everything she does looks quasi-European even though she's actually a Midwestern gal like me. It wasn't until I started looking through her blog to write this intro that I realized just how many ideas I've actually stolen from her (like making this felted Martha hat in knit: hers and mine). This summer she gave birth to her third child, a boy, shortly after my little gal was born and the fact that she's still blogging brilliant things like these advent coloring pages and maintaining her Etsy shop (where she sells the cutest little stuffed diggers and messenger bags, among other things) proves to me that she actually is some sort of super-human life form. Let's hear from Meg:

Hello! My name is Meg and I have three kids: a 4 and a half year old girl, a 3 year old boy, and a baby boy just 6 months old. The addition of this cute little baby put me squarely in the boy camp. I really enjoy sewing clothes for my kids--it's frugal and stylish and so great to hear them say, "My mama made it!" There just aren't that many tutorials for boys clothes out there which is too bad because my boys are much less picky than my little girl (well the littlest really doesn't have a say) and they will wear anything I make with pride.

The boys also get short changed in the accessory department. The girls get all the hair clips and the tutus and the jewelry, though honestly my son has been seen wearing all of those things. So to remedy the situation I came up with a pattern for a boy's belt. It had to be tough, but also easy for little hands to work--and work fast, because I have to say, "run to the potty! run to the potty!" about a hundred times a day.

But this belt isn't just for little boys, you can very easily change the size so it fits the big boys or even a baby boy. So with just a little bit of fabric and some snaps you can make all your boys something stylish to keep their pants up.


Head over to Elsie Marley to see the full tutorial for these awesome belts and be sure to thank Meg for sharing this great idea with us! I really love how adaptable it is for bigger boys and girls too. Thanks Meg!

Congrats to Meredith who won the Silhouette Tote Giveaway from LiEr!

Check out what Dana's doing today over at MADE: