Happy Monday! Oh wait it's Tuesday already...?



We had a lovely camping trip with my extended family this past weekend in the Michigan jungle. Humid, hot, steamy. I was really stressed on Friday as we were packing up because The Weather predicted a high heat index and thunderstorms all weekend long. And do you think we got so much as a sprinkle? Well we did get a teeny tiny sprinkle, but I can totally handle that. Thank you, Weather, for being at the very least tolerable. I would have preferred it a little cooler, but you can't get everything you ask for I guess.The weekend would have been even more lovely if Mr Rae hadn't been crazy sick. He slept in the tent the entire time we were camping, so I finally extracted him from the tent and deposited him (and Clementine) at his parents' house so he could receive medical treatment, antibiotics, and air conditioning (he's doing much better now by the way). Elliot and I finished up the weekend of camping together without guilt or worry, and Clementine had the grandparents to herself which was a very special treat.Other random things......I will be at Blue House for the "Thursday Finish Ups" with Karen this Thursday night in Ann Arbor if you want to come hang out and finish up a project. Join us!...MakerFaire Detroit is this weekend -- Mr Rae is busy busy working on a booth. Planning to take the kids to go see the festivities sometime this weekend too!...It's the girl's birthday this weekend too! TWO YEARS can you believe it? And you know she's my second child because I completely forgot what her birthday was when I called the Dr's office to schedule her two year checkup. The receptionist was like, "I'm sorry but we can't find a Clementine with that birthdate...?" I felt like such a dum-dum, and then realized I've been telling EVERYONE the wrong date for the last few months. In my defense, the date I was giving was her DUE DATE. Don't they have that on file???...Speaking of local meetups, I've been scouting out a new location for the Southeast Michigan Crafter's Meetups now that I'm back in SE Michigan and will be announcing our next get-together very soon!I feel really really busy, but it's a happy summer-bustle-busy. What do you have going on?