New House, New Baby, New Year

It's been lots of family time and not much time on the blog for me lately -- no big surprise there due to the holidays and the fact that I had the flu last week -- but I feel like I've been leaving you guys in the dark about what's going on around here, real-life-wise. I mean, you probably already know I have a baby on the way (and so far, so good, everything seems healthy and normal in the Baby Dept and I am so thankful for that), but I think I forgot to mention that we bought a house last month. So, guess what? WE BOUGHT A HOUSE!



This recent purchase is v. exciting (and yes, the decision to buy was definitely precipitated by the impending arrival of the new baby) because it means that we can move out of the rental house we've been in for the last two and a half years. Somehow being able to choose my own paint colors and buy a new piece of furniture or two makes me feel like I'm finally able to settle down a bit, you know?





We had the house painted a couple weeks ago and now we're doing some other little bits of work on it before we move in (new railing on the staircase, new furnace, that sort of thing). We're hoping to move sometime before the end of February. Originally I was hoping to move before Christmas but that would have been Crazy Town and now I'm glad we didn't try to do that. It's been nice having the option to go over to the new house with batches of oddly-shaped things that won't fit in boxes, and slowly trickle our belongings into that space from this one.



I don't know if this is a pregnancy/nesting thing or if it's just what you do when you have a new house, but I have been spending copious amounts of time on Pinterest choosing paint colors and and new rugs and pictures for the walls and such, obsessively collecting home decor images on a bunch of  my boards: Home, New House, Entryways, Awesome Wallpapers, and Beautiful Bedrooms. I realize my house is not going to look like these Dream Houses, but it's still fun to dream.





Anyway, you can see the painting as it's progressed and get a small sense for what the house is like in these pictures. I chose white and a very light gray for most of the main floor (living room, entryway, kitchen, master bedroom), but I branched out a bit on bathroom and bedroom colors. I'm deeply loyal to teals and aquas, and I that dark teal is going to be killer in the upstairs bathroom. The coral pink is in a half bath on the main floor. It is a little intense when you're in there, but I love it anyway. The kids' rooms are light blue and aqua; we'll have three kids sharing two bedrooms in various combinations for the next couple of years so I tried to keep them pretty easy-to-match colors (read: no hot pink). We did find out the gender of the baby, and I keep trying to think of a fun way to announce the baby's gender on the blog, but so far I haven't come up with anything clever or exciting. Will share soon though!

Have a Happy New Year everyone!!!