Where to even start

Hey there!! I've been in the middle of Moving Craziness since last week -- we moved on Monday and Tuesday this week -- so I'm feeling a bit like my life is in utter shambles, but at the same time totally happy and thrilled that we are in our new house. It just gets a little overwhelming with all the boxes and things to do. Then there's the moment when you need a lamp, for instance, and you KNOW you labeled a box "lamps" but then you can't find it. Anyway. Blahblah. The hardest part is figuring out where to even start with everything.



We basically chose one of the coldest days in Michigan history to move, and our movers were almost three hours late arriving, and then they got the truck stuck in a snowbank trying to turn it around, so instead of having one moving day we had two. ACK! Haha. Oh well.



I sewed a few things for my kids for Kids’ Clothes Week last week (knowing that this week would be inSANE), but now I have no idea when I’ll post it. Again, not a big deal. You know, all of the inconveniences of moving and having too much to do, they’re really just blessings in disguise, you know? I can’t complain. We have so much. So what if things have to go slower than expected? Big deal. It’s stressful, yes, but not a permanent problem.



So I decided I’m going to hire a doula for the birth of this baby! I’m excited. The midwife/home-birth thing is just not in the cards for us even though that is more in line with how I think most (normal) births should happen, so I think a doula is a good way to go. Though Elliot and Clementine both told me yesterday that they want to “watch the baby come out”…I’m not sure they quite understand what that means. It’s not like laying an egg, you know?

OK totally random post…but hey, that’s how we roll around here.

(by the way, all of these photos appeared originally in my Instagram feed (@madebyrae), where you can also see more of what’s happening in my life, what I’m sewing, belly pics, etc).