Weekend Trip to NYC

Quick Trip to NYC

Quick Trip to NYC

Quick Trip to NYC

Quick Trip to NYC


Quick Trip to NYC

Quick trip to NYC

Quick trip to NYC

Quick trip to NYC

Quick trip to NYC

Quick trip to NYC

Quick trip to NYC

Quick Trip to NYC

Quick Trip to NYC

Quick Trip to NYC

Quick Trip to NYC

Quick trip to NYC

Quick trip to NYC

Quick Trip to NYC

Quick Trip to NYC

The weekend before last Mr Rae and I took a quick weekend trip to New York City for our anniversary. It’s always tough finding a good place to go in February for just a couple of days, but we knew even if the weather was awful (it wasn’t), New York would be fun. We’ve both been there a number of times before but it’s usually been for a conference or workshop, so neither of us had ever done much of anything “touristy” on previous visits. We spent one day at MoMA and saw the Lion King for the first time (I know. How late am I to that party?), and the next day at the Met. We went to the top of the Empire State Building, walked through Grand Central, and make a quick stop at Purl (of course!!). We ate some really good meals (we had dinner at the NationalBlue Ribbon, and Hudson Clearwater), and of course savoring a long breakfast with coffee and a copy of the Atlantic is nothing short of luxury when you have three kids at home. The first day it was so warm and lovely that we even walked around Central Park. I think my favorite place we visited was the Met. I just couldn’t believe the scope of the collections there. Just ridiculously impressive; we only spent a half day there and I really hope to go back again. You’d need weeks to see everything. Of course we were happy to get back to our three favorite monsters, but it sure was fun to get away!!



What's your favorite spot in NYC? Favorite weekend getaway spot? Send me a note or leave a comment; I'd love to hear what you think!