Friday Faves / vol. 2

Hellooo! It’s been another wild week of “will-today-be-in-person-or-virtual-school?” Today my kiddos are (ALL THREE OF THEM OMG) in their respective school buildings and the sun is shining so I’m checking a few things off my to-do list and feeling pretty good. I received some advance samples of Anna Maria Horner’s upcoming cotton lawn line, Vivacious and it’s been fun to dream about sewing something fun with those cheerful colors. I picked out two prints that coincidentally — or not? you decide — match my handmade sweaters (pic below, and more pics here). I also started some mending projects last week, including some little kitty kneepads to repair a knee hole in a pair of leggings that Clementine used to wear. Hugo loves to pretend he’s a cat as you might recall from his Halloween costume, so he’s excited to wear these.

Some other things I wanted to recommend:

a book: Wow, Braiding Sweetgrass is incredible. I’m only halfway through but this book is already changing the way I see the world. Reading it feels like a respite and a gift.

a TV series: This week I blasted through the entire Station Eleven series on HBOMax in just three nights. I read and loved the book, but I had finished it literally weeks before the (real) pandemic started, so then didn’t feel I could really recommend it to anyone owing to the fact that the backdrop of the story is a global pandemic. But now somehow the timing feels right for this story. It’s about how we go on living, after and it’s good. Now I want to re-read the book!!

a podcast: I keep recommending the Just Enough Family podcast. It’s a fascinating 8-episode series from Ariel Levy (whose memoir, The Rules Do Not Apply, is one of my top-5 favorite memoirs of all time) about her friend Liz Lange’s completely messed up family. It’s so fascinating. Related: read this Vanity Fair article when you’re finished; it’s so hard to believe these were actual people.

an infographic: This infographic is WILD. Bonus points if you scroll all the way to the end (Yes. I did).

a game: OMG WORDLE has its clutches in me. Save yourselves while you still can!!!

Wishing you all the loveliest of weekends.
