Friday Faves / vol. 16


We’re in Washington DC this week and frankly I’m shocked at everything we have managed to do the past few days considering how little Mr Rae or I did in advance to prepare. Way to go, DC! and also thanks to the family and friends who’ve lived here and gave us great lists of things to see and do.

We did however completely forget to put Hugo’s suitcase in the car, so the trip hasn’t been completely without snags. Shoutout to the Target app for having 3 days’ worth of kid clothing ready for pickup within a few hours of this unfortunate discovery (#notsponsored, but 🤙 me). Thoroughly enjoying the tales of lost/forgotten luggage that have surfaced as I’ve commiserated to family members about it, though!

Last week we celebrated the boys’ birthdays; Elliot had a “Spicy 16th” party complete with Korean chicken wings and video games with friends in the basement, and Hugo hand-wrote and delivered a few invitations to friends for a small, short, after-school party at our house. Hugo’s shown below in one of his gifts, a new sleeping bag. He’s nine, by the way.

A few other things to share…

reading: I brought a pile of books on this trip and just finished Tin Man by Sarah Winman. I discovered it via the Book Chat podcast, which is so great because they only review older books (ie ones that are available at the library). I’m totally on board and can’t wait to read their other recommendations.

painting: Made progress on my studio - I taped the walls and Clementine helped me put up this pink hue from Clare Paints. We also painted a yellow and green arch on one wall. Maybe I’ll do a studio reno post soon? Still a bit to go yet…

knitting: I’m on the last sleeve on my yellow Astragal sweater. So close!! Hoping to be able to wear it next week.

watching: White Lotus, Season 2. I’m late to the White Lotus party again this year and I have one episode left. I have to admit I don’t quite get the hype. Aubrey Plaza is amazing, but otherwise I’m not a huge fan.

puzzling: Have you done any Magic Puzzles? We just finished our second one - the “Secret Soup” - and they are so much fun! Hugo put two on his birthday list, so next up is Sunny City!

Wishing you all a fun weekend! We’re putzing around DC for one more day, and then driving home. Have you taken any fun trips this spring? Feel free to share in comments (even if you remembered all your luggage 😉).


PS. see all of my Friday Faves here.

Plus, a few pics from DC: