Friday Faves / vol. 4

Helloooo! What a week. With the day off school on Monday, we took a family walk at a local metropark. It was snowy but sunny and beautiful and lovely. Hugo (and Clementine) threw snowballs in the river and watched them float away. Yesterday I purposefully avoided the news, but tried to questions like “why does he want Ukraine anyway?" at dinner. Good question, kid. I have some too, for that matter, like: why are the men still in charge? Why are there even still guns? Life is such a mixed bag, isn’t it? The beauty AND the despots.

A few things to share as we head into the weekend:

knitting: I made a Veela Beanie for Clementine (like mine) and she wore it for three straight days so I think she likes it. She did not like it, however, when I put mine on too and obnoxiously yelled “Beanie Buddies!!” while she was trying to take selfies. Pattern: Veela Beanie by Jenny Noto, Yarn: Fiberstory Core Bulky in Emma from Spun Ann Arbor

reading: Finished the final book in the Shadow and Bone Trilogy, Ruin and Rising. I liked the first book best. Clementine is almost finished with her copy.

sewing: As in years prior, I made Mr Rae another Negroni shirt for his birthday last week. I’ve used this pattern for years, and this one is made with Liberty lawn so it’s nice and lightweight.

a class: HURRAH I can finally say that Annabel has launched a Doodle Quilt Class!! I took a workshop with her a few years back and have had many inquiries on how to make one (blog post here) — so now you can take the class over at Creativebug!!! <- that’s my affiliate link, but if you just search “Doodle Quilt” once you click it, you’ll get there. Shown above: two of the ones I’ve made in my bedroom.

Wishing you all a cosy weekend!


PS. more Friday Faves: here & here & here.