Nandita's Gauzy Garnet Top

Last summer, I asked Nandita if she’d like to give the Garnet pattern a try when we were testing it out. If you’ve been around awhile you’re familiar with Nandita’s work; I featured a her travel wardrobe (featuring MBR pattern makes) last year in my newsletter and in a blog roundup. Since I knew Nandita has made many Rubies, I thought she might be interested in giving Garnet a try, too.

She created this beautiful gauzy version that seems like it would be absolutely perfect to pack for a warm-weather vacation. Take a look…

Here’s what Nandita had to say about her Garnet:

“I will ALWAYS say yes to Rae because I love her style and patterns. I used a dupatta (scarf) for my sleeves and yokes. The bodice is a linen bedsheet. I was in Key Largo when I took these pics and although it was STEAMY, I felt cool and chic in my summer fit. I wore this ensemble to a dinner and received many compliments.”

And her note about using gauze for the yoke, which can be a little tricky to work with:

“I found the pattern easy to follow and the only thing I had issues with was the burrito for the yoke finishing. I used a very gauzy material so I did hand basting as well as staystitching and then I used stitch in the ditch for the finishing because I didn't want to risk any additional stretching.”

That’s a great tip!

I’ll also add that we do include a note in the Garnet pattern on how to do the “stitch in the ditch” yoke finishing method Nandita referred to as an alternative method for the burrito method. Just in case you need it!

I love this gorgeous Garnet and Nandita’s beautiful photos - it’s really making me want to take a warm vacay so I can sew up another Garnet like this!!

Thank you so much, Nandita!

You can follow along with Nandita’s sewing and travels on her Instagram account, @divinedita.

And if you’d like to try making your own version of Garnet, you can find the pattern in my shop!