Ack is it THURSDAY already!?!


I guess I ended up being gone from here a little longer than planned, oops!!  E has been sick with a fever for the last couple of days so there's been lots of cuddling and less sewing than usual.  I've been catching up on laundry.  Cleaning the garage.  Doesn't make for very interesting blogging though.  Rae's Garage: Before and After?  I doubt anyone wants to see the pile of debris that I swept outta there. 

On the other hand, maybe you don't mind seeing what normal life is like around here... 

Breakfast at our house.  Yes, that clock says 10 AM.  Shutup. 

Raise your hand if your kid asks to sit and watch the laundry go round and round too.

Someone started crawling last week.

He's already such a little nerd.  I love it.  

E likes to sing and dance. ALL. The. Time. 

This is like a Where's Waldo except with E.  Can you see him?  What do you think he's doing?

Why, bowling with his miniature Japanese eraser bowling set.  Of course. 

Did you see that two of my patterns will be featured at Quilt Market this year?  I'm so glad Andrea was able to sew up those fantastic samples. Yaaaaaay!  As I have always wanted to go to Quilt Market, I am proud that at least a little part of me is being represented there.  Robert Kaufman will soon be featuring my patterns in their online gallery of free quilts and patterns

I'll be back soon with....SEWING.