Spring Top Week Champions!


I'm so happy to be able to finally announce our two winners for Spring Top Week!  Just to recap, a panel of 10 judges scored each one of the 358 tops submitted to our official entry pool and I posted the Top 60 here on the blog for a daily poll last week.  Of the five winners of those daily polls, we had another vote over the weekend to determine the winner.  Our judges also nominated their favorites and then scored those to determine the other winner.  Here they are:

Congratulations to Adrianna, whose ruched cross-over top was a favorite from the beginning both with our judges and our readers:

One of the things I really like about this top is that she made it by draping the fabric on her dressform.  Who actually DOES that (besides Rami on Project Runway)?  I've had a dressform for more than a year and still have never figured out how to do this:

The other thing I like is that the shirring effect was almost accidental. Adrianna wrote that she just "broke all the shirring rules and went crazy."  Wow.  Remind me sometime to post some of the stuff that happens when I just wing it.  I promise it never looks this good.  You can read more about her process: Adrianna blogged about it here on crafterhours.

Nicely done Adrianna!

Congratulations to Lindsay, whose doilied top was our judges' favorite and came rather close on the reader vote as well!

Lindsay designed this top after another one that was "just a little to flimsy for motherhood."  I love the simple shape and subtle color. The brilliant thing about it though is the doily -- I've all been seeing the crochet/lace embellishments all over the place, but what a genius touch:

It really makes the top and the whole thing costed her less than $5 to make...wow!

You can read more: Lindsay blogged about it here on liliash.  Congratulations Lindsay!

Now I know that the cheezy crown graphic I've made is more than enough of a prize for these two (and you're welcome ladies), but I'm happy to say that they'll also get some nice things from the Spring Top Week Sponsors (also there on the right sidebar).  Here's a brief description of the prize packages if you'd like to see what these ladies have won (you can also click on this post to see a more detailed list of the prizes and the sponsors).  You'll both be hearing from me shortly so we can get all your stuff sent your way.  Congratulations again ladies!

I'd like to thank our judges and everyone else behind the scenes for all the hard work they've put in over the last month.  Thanks to our sponsors for providing the excellent prizes so that I wouldn't have to make all the winners prizes myself.  And thank you you to EVERYONE who entered tops and participated by commenting and voting.  You've helped make this year a success and inspired many others to switch on their sewing machines!