I'm here, I'm here, SORRY!!!

Just popping in to say HI! and we've been packing, moving, and unpacking since Friday (in a couple different loads/shifts), hence I have not been posting. I put a teeny tiny note on the end of the last post, but I've noticed it takes about a week and then people start emailing/commenting with the "are you OK Rae?" and the "Where tha HECK are you Rae?" so I figured I should at least give a heya.

I'm currently "borrowing" internet from our new neighbors by careful placement of my laptop near the corner of our new house -- well new to us, we're renting now -- because Comcast (our internet provider) doesn't actually send their "internet kit" until a few days after your service is supposed to start. How does that make sense? Actually, scratch that. It's perfectly consistent with everything I have come to expect from them.

I love our new kitchen. It has a separate little room for a  pantry with western doors. Elliot will pretend he is Woody. Clementine will pinch her fingers in them and scream.

My piano just got delivered a few minutes ago.

I can't reach my bedroom closet for all the boxes yet.

We have way too many chairs.

The kids' bedroom is almost all set up.

Did I mention I love our new kitchen?

I am also accidentally a little high on Goo Gone.