Who bought all this fabric and what am I supposed to do with it?


Someone (I'm going to be the bigger person and not name any names here) bought WAY too much fabric and then put it all in boxes and wrote "FABRIC" on them in MY handwriting and then snuck them onto our moving truck. Now I have to figure out where to put all of it. Sheesh. Did they not know that my new closet is roughly a quarter of the size of my old closet? Something's gotta give, and it's not going to be the fabric, I can tell you that much.

Was this just an excuse to show you my pretty fabric? You'll never know.

Incidentally, that same person packed the serger and the serger power cord in two different boxes. I can't find the cord box. So now I can look at my serger, but I can't turn it on. Why, why, oh why???

I'm trying really hard here not to write the "moving sucks" post, but I guess that's kinda what this is. And the last post. Sorry. Am seriously tempted to not even open the rest of the boxes and stick them in the basement so that I won't have to pack them up again when we have to move again. Like books, where did all these books come from. I think I'll just leave those packed up. I don't need to READ this year, right?

Our kitchen is now thankfully box-free. Here's a shot of my kids enjoying their new kid-table location. It's such a relief to have children who are now old enough to sit and draw or paint for more than two minutes. They still need help and near-constant monitoring (especially when the acryllic paints are out), but man when you have crawly-put-everything-in-my-mouth babies you never think this day will come.

By the way, that neat set of doors opens right into our new backyard. Summer backyard barbeque, anyone?