Friday Faves / vol. 3

We got snowed in last week because of a big storm, but instead of having snow days, my kids had to (yet again) go to school online. It was a real bummer; the district had used up all of its “snow days” on COVID-related closures, so they didn't have any left for actual snow days. I did my best to kick my kids outside between classes to shovel the sidewalks (Elliot and Clementine) or play with the neighbor kids (Hugo). I ignored a few “back-to-class” alarms so Hugo could play out in the snow longer, and Elliot and I went for a walk through the gorgeous snow-covered woods near our house.

I think I’m just starting to come to grips with the effect all of these school closings and virtual school days have had on my work since the pandemic began two years ago. They have definitely taken a toll on the business. I’m not going to get into it much more than that right now, but it’s something I’ve been thinking about.

On a positive note, Mr Rae and I are celebrating our anniversary this week with a kid-free weekend, hurrah!!

A few fun things to share with you this week:

mending: I did some mending on a much-loved and very worn pair of Levis that have been Mr Rae's favorite for years. The stitches are almost invisible from the outside, so I'm not sure it's technically “visible mending,” but it was really satisfying to give these jeans a new life.

this book: I found the “upper thigh / crotch repair” instructions in Make Thrift Mend by Katrina Rodabaugh to be really helpful for getting started with my mending project. Full disclosure: I received my copy for free because my Trillium sewing pattern makes an appearance as one of the featured patterns in the book.

sewing: I finished a pair of double-gauze Luna Pants and wore them nearly every day this week. To make them high-waisted, I added up to 1.5" (more in front than in back) around the waistband and redrew the facings.

knitting: My eyelet socks are finished and blocked and I'm really happy with them. In Bloom Socks Pattern by Summer Lee Designs; Soft Sock Yarn by Big Little Yarn Co.

this list: A Ruthless Ranking of the 25 Best Muppets according to Listeners from NPR is fun to read. Who's your favorite Muppet? It's so hard to choose, but Janice was always a fave of mine.

Wishing you all the loveliest of weekends!


PS. more Friday Faves: here & here, and some more snowy pics for you, below.